Do You Think What You Pay For College Is Truly Worth It? College for most is just a party place that costs thousands of dollars per semester. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people who are there for their studies and really take it seriously. But for the rest, they spend too much time partying and not putting their study efforts in to make a GPA higher than 3.0. As a result, when they graduate they just have Outstanding Loans to pay off. For this reason, people can’t get ahead because it takes multiple years to pay off the loans.
Let’s Face It; Tuition is Constantly Increasing, every semester. However, the rate of unemployment is also increasing.
If you really look think about it, tuition increases every semester but the curriculum doesn’t change at all. The same information is taught but yet they increase their costs. This also includes all the text books and supplies needed for particular classes. Somehow these Colleges are getting away with it.
So Here’s The Question: Is College Worth It?
Let’s take a look at some stats. About 45% of students DID NOT show any significant improvement in learning, including areas like critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing. Nearly 40% didn’t learn hardly anything at all over the four years of college. This probably includes those who spent more time partying rather than studying, however it is still a fact. So they still spent thousands of dollars which brings us to the question – So are those many thousands of dollars worth a college education?
It’s Very Clear That College Is Not Making A High Percentage Of People Smarter.
Many kids are told they have to have a College Education in order to make it in this lifetime. That might have been the case before the internet was created, but that really is not the case today.
Research found students one year out of college are not faring well: One-third moved back home, and 10 percent were unemployed, and now have thousands of dollars in Student Loans to pay off.
Many Students have reported that they really didn’t Really Study Much. One third reported studying less than 10 hours per week. They were more interested in partying and shopping.
Most College Graduates have below average Cognitive Skills. Something as simple as balancing their checking account or calculating their budget. Many College Graduates in the USA test less than High School kids in several other Countries. This is saying something about our education.
Billions Of Tax Payer Dollars Are Being Sent To These Institutions??? WHAT’S UP WITH THAT!!!
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